Hello everyone I have survived another week here in Boston and everything is going pretty good. I am glad the Raiders picked Darren McFadden in the NFL draft in the first round 4th pick overall. Not because I think he was the player most likely to help the Raiders but because he is the player most likely to help me beat Jared in Madden 2009. Now I don't have to go trade for a good running back. I am also very glad the Jazz didn't decide to give another game to Tracy McGrady and finished off game 4. I really feel that everyone(national media) thinks its T-mac and the Rockets playing some team from Iran. I am sick of hearing how great T-Mac is and how if he had help in this series they would win the games and advance. Not once after any of the 3 Jazz wins have I heard about how the Jazz are beating the Rockets its always about how Tracy cant score in the 4th. I just would like to hear someone say that maybe the Jazz are the reason for that. The Jazz need to go down and beat them in Texas again and end this series.
Here are some random things that have happened this past week.
1. Seeing people driving in both emergency lanes on the freeway. I heard about this before I got here but it really freaks you out the first time you actually see people doing it.
2. After making a phone call, having your cell phone say "No Service" and you walk around outside trying to get service and can't get any. Finally you leave the customers house and go to the AT&T store and the hot twenty something behind the counter turns you phone off then back on and says "There you go all fixed" meanwhile you feel like an idiot and walk out the door.
3. People offering everything while working in their house. Beer, other drinks, actually had a guy buy pizza for four of our guys, Chinese food, and anything else you could ever want.
4. Jared told a kid that he better pick up his dog because if was going to set off the alarms to make sure they work. The kid acted like he didn't want to but finally did and when the alarm went off the dog peed all over him. Very funny story.
5. Having no turning lanes on city streets really makes traffic hectic. Then people on the other side will stop and let you turn or let people out of a parking lot, making the traffic even worse.
Once again its obvious I still dont know what I'm doing with the pictures.