Sunday, August 17, 2008


So I know I have not posted on here for quite some time. Really Its because Im too lazy and dont think I have anything really all that cool to write about. This week however we got a new roomate and he seems to be adapting pretty well to his new apartment except that he needs to realize that the bathroom is not the front room. This is Steve's new baby bulldog named Nigel. He is 5 months old and is a ton of fun. Hopefully he will get potty trained soon.

Other than the new roomate nothing else is really going on. I have enjoyed watching Team USA basketball destroy the competition so far. It was also cool to see Phelps dominate in swimming. I still dont know how he won that 2nd to last race. The summer is winding down but I believe I am going to be staying until the end of September. I know this will upset some people but the company is going to pay my rent and also give me more money. I hope it turns out to be a good idea because I am more then ready to be coming home.