This past week we also met our goals for sales and installations so Steve, my boss, decided to buy a barbeque and have a big lunch for all the technicians. Well the picture above shows why you shouldnt have the barbeque at your apartment. I really hate having everyone thing my apartment is the hangout spot. It just makes it so you never have anytime to just relax because everyone is always over watching TV or getting on the internet. Adam(roomate) and I spent at least an hour cleaning up after everyone because they leave it like the picture above and don't even care. I later found out that it was one of the wives who knocked over the garbage can and left it like this. I was for sure it was one of the guys.

Sunday is our only free day during the week and I normally head to the singles ward around 2 pm and then go sightseeing the rest of the day. Yesterday Jared, Adam, Tyler and I went up to Nahant it was a cool little town about 20 minutes North of Boston and its actually a small penisula. I was cool actually being at the ocean. I think it was my first time in probably 15 years. As you can see its still only about 65-70 degrees and nobody is actually on the beaches yet. Which yes was another downer, but I did have some pretty good scallops and so it was worth the drive.
How was NYC? Did you like Spamalot? Did you make it to Lombardi's pizza? We would love to hear updates!!! Miss ya!
yeah.. UPDATES!!!!!
ok, so the thing you have to realize about girls on the east coast is that they are NOT girls from the west coast. Most are pretty conservative..straight hair, a strand of pearls, etc. It is a different lifestyle completely than the west coast. I realized that the first day of High School back there...here I was with my 80's fluffy hair, tight 501 jeans, and sneakers...WoW..they had on cordiroys, skirts, pearls, straight hair etc...I felt so out of place! Oh well. I made a few amazing freinds and it was a great experience!! Good luck! Keep Posting!
What plays did you see in NY? I heard you had a great time!!
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