Sunday, June 29, 2008

It's no IHOP visit but here you go Nate

While I was in Springfield, I was able to visit the basketball hall of fame. It was a pretty cool place overall but I think I would have liked it a lot more if it was 3-4 years from now when all the players that I remember from growing up were actually in it. I think the only ones are Barkley and Hakeem. No Jordan, No Malone or Stockton. I guess 5 years is longer then you think sometimes. The pictures above were basically the only Jazz related things in the building.

There was also a spot for Hot Rod Hundley, He made it in as a member of the media. This made me think of how much better he was then Bolerjack. Hot Rod had a knack for calling the game that I will always miss. I still sometimes watch games on TV but listen to Hot Rod on the Radio at the same time. Even 10 jack and cokes into the game(2nd quarter) he is still better then Boler.

Unfortuneatly upon leaving the basketball hall of fame we walked out to find Jared's car in this condition. Yep thats a broken window and a stolen GPS unit. Of all the crappy neighborhoods and the late hours that we work I would have never thought his GPS would get stolen at one in the afternoon and in a crowded parking lot. This is the second time this has happened to one of our guys since being out here. I just hope it doesnt end up happening to me.

We are now working in the city of Wocester. Somehow the people pronouce it WUSter. I call it WOOster and everyone in the city corrects me on it. I think its really funny. The city however sucks it is nothing but up and down hills. Also you can be driving on an alright road(for Mass) and all of the sudden end up on a dirt road with huge pot holes. My car is taking a beating in this area. I think I better start preparing for repairs or a new one. The picture on the left is the New Audi R8 that I followed on the freeway for about 2 miles. I tried to get better pictures but this is all I ended up getting. It made my week seeing on in person. It sounded amazing and I could hear coming up the on ramp about 10 seconds before I actually saw it. Man it sounded great. Too bad I had to go to an install or I think I would have stalked the dude until he pulled over.
Well everything is going well. This past week was slow business wise but hopefully it picks up again this week. I hear 4th of July is awesome here in Boston so hopefully I can get some good pictures to post. I am also going to be heading down to D.C. in about 2 weeks so there should be actually something interesting to write about.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

More Pictures

These are some more pictures from New York and from a lady's house that had 43 dogs bowls full of raw hamburger. Yeah it smelled gross.

Happy Fathers Day

Happy fathers day Dad, I hope you have had a good day and I will be calling you after I get this post finally up. Sorry everyone that I haven't been posting very often of late. The problem is that I have been working in Springfield MA, which is about 1 1/2 hours from our apartments. Instead of spending all that time driving everyday APX actually has put us in a hotel the past 2 weeks and we have one more to go. So I have had no access to a computer to post anything. I am going to just post a bunch of pictures from the past two weeks and write about some of them.

This is the Beach in New Bedford. It has been by far my favorite city we have worked in so far. It was fun to just be able to layout and do nothing in between jobs. Not to mention some days the scenery was very nice!

This is the biggest dang beagle I have ever seen. I swear the thing was pushing 60 Lbs. So Craig, Erin, Mom and Dad you better get your dogs on steroids.
Well I'm having trouble posting the other pictures that I wanted to post. I will get them up later tonight. Two Sundays ago I spent the day in New York. It was cool to get away and just spend the day sight seeing. I was able to see Spamalot which I thought was pretty good and pretty funny. We just about saw everything including the empire state building, ground zero, statue of liberty on a ferry ride to Staten island, the naked cowboy, time square, central park, and probably a lot more that I am forgetting. The whole trip cost 90 dollars so It worked out real well. The only bad thing was not getting back to Boston until 4:30 am and having to work the next day.
Work is going well and I only need 77 installs to reach the top pay tier. I should be able to reach that pretty easily and end up making pretty good money for the summer. Everything else is going well. I miss everyone and it will be good to see everyone in August.