Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
So I know I have not posted on here for quite some time. Really Its because Im too lazy and dont think I have anything really all that cool to write about. This week however we got a new roomate and he seems to be adapting pretty well to his new apartment except that he needs to realize that the bathroom is not the front room. This is Steve's new baby bulldog named Nigel. He is 5 months old and is a ton of fun. Hopefully he will get potty trained soon. 

Other than the new roomate nothing else is really going on. I have enjoyed watching Team USA basketball destroy the competition so far. It was also cool to see Phelps dominate in swimming. I still dont know how he won that 2nd to last race. The summer is winding down but I believe I am going to be staying until the end of September. I know this will upset some people but the company is going to pay my rent and also give me more money. I hope it turns out to be a good idea because I am more then ready to be coming home.

Other than the new roomate nothing else is really going on. I have enjoyed watching Team USA basketball destroy the competition so far. It was also cool to see Phelps dominate in swimming. I still dont know how he won that 2nd to last race. The summer is winding down but I believe I am going to be staying until the end of September. I know this will upset some people but the company is going to pay my rent and also give me more money. I hope it turns out to be a good idea because I am more then ready to be coming home.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
It's no IHOP visit but here you go Nate

While I was in Springfield, I was able to visit the basketball hall of fame. It was a pretty cool place overall but I think I would have liked it a lot more if it was 3-4 years from now when all the players that I remember from growing up were actually in it. I think the only ones are Barkley and Hakeem. No Jordan, No Malone or Stockton. I guess 5 years is longer then you think sometimes. The pictures above were basically the only Jazz related things in the building.
There was also a spot for Hot Rod Hundley, He made it in as a member of the media. This made me think of how much better he was then Bolerjack. Hot Rod had a knack for calling the game that I will always miss. I still sometimes watch games on TV but listen to Hot Rod on the Radio at the same time. Even 10 jack and cokes into the game(2nd quarter) he is still better then Boler.

Well everything is going well. This past week was slow business wise but hopefully it picks up again this week. I hear 4th of July is awesome here in Boston so hopefully I can get some good pictures to post. I am also going to be heading down to D.C. in about 2 weeks so there should be actually something interesting to write about.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Fathers Day
Happy fathers day Dad, I hope you have had a good day and I will be calling you after I get this post finally up. Sorry everyone that I haven't been posting very often of late. The problem is that I have been working in Springfield MA, which is about 1 1/2 hours from our apartments. Instead of spending all that time driving everyday APX actually has put us in a hotel the past 2 weeks and we have one more to go. So I have had no access to a computer to post anything. I am going to just post a bunch of pictures from the past two weeks and write about some of them.

This is the Beach in New Bedford. It has been by far my favorite city we have worked in so far. It was fun to just be able to layout and do nothing in between jobs. Not to mention some days the scenery was very nice! 

This is the biggest dang beagle I have ever seen. I swear the thing was pushing 60 Lbs. So Craig, Erin, Mom and Dad you better get your dogs on steroids.
Well I'm having trouble posting the other pictures that I wanted to post. I will get them up later tonight. Two Sundays ago I spent the day in New York. It was cool to get away and just spend the day sight seeing. I was able to see Spamalot which I thought was pretty good and pretty funny. We just about saw everything including the empire state building, ground zero, statue of liberty on a ferry ride to Staten island, the naked cowboy, time square, central park, and probably a lot more that I am forgetting. The whole trip cost 90 dollars so It worked out real well. The only bad thing was not getting back to Boston until 4:30 am and having to work the next day.
Work is going well and I only need 77 installs to reach the top pay tier. I should be able to reach that pretty easily and end up making pretty good money for the summer. Everything else is going well. I miss everyone and it will be good to see everyone in August.
Monday, May 26, 2008
The week that was..

This past week we also met our goals for sales and installations so Steve, my boss, decided to buy a barbeque and have a big lunch for all the technicians. Well the picture above shows why you shouldnt have the barbeque at your apartment. I really hate having everyone thing my apartment is the hangout spot. It just makes it so you never have anytime to just relax because everyone is always over watching TV or getting on the internet. Adam(roomate) and I spent at least an hour cleaning up after everyone because they leave it like the picture above and don't even care. I later found out that it was one of the wives who knocked over the garbage can and left it like this. I was for sure it was one of the guys.

Sunday is our only free day during the week and I normally head to the singles ward around 2 pm and then go sightseeing the rest of the day. Yesterday Jared, Adam, Tyler and I went up to Nahant it was a cool little town about 20 minutes North of Boston and its actually a small penisula. I was cool actually being at the ocean. I think it was my first time in probably 15 years. As you can see its still only about 65-70 degrees and nobody is actually on the beaches yet. Which yes was another downer, but I did have some pretty good scallops and so it was worth the drive.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Finally slowing down
Hello everyone, sorry I have been such a slacker on this blog. I am alive and I am going to try and update more often. I now know why Joel sometimes has 3 weeks breaks sometimes between his posts on his blog. I have been really busy with work. I had been working from 8:30 am to about 12:00 pm 6 days a week for almost 2 weeks in a row. Now they have brought in a few more guys to help handle the work load and things are starting to settle down. I should now be able to work normal hours of 2 in the afternoon til about 11:30 to as late as 1:30 am. Everything else is going well out here except that we have 4 extra guys sleeping on our couches and floors because their apartments wont be furnished until Tuesday of next week. Having 4 extra people really makes a nice apartment seem really small. I will be e
xcited for Tuesday when they all leave.

Some of you might know about my past quest in getting vanilla frostys at Wendy's. I would always ask for a Vanilla frosty. When they said "We only have chocolate" I would answer with "I will take a twist then" which was followed by "We dont have a twist flavor" I then would follow with "do you have any seasonal flavors, like eggnog?" "No we only have chocolate!" I would then ask if they knew when they would be getting vanilla back in stock." and on and on it went. Well I couldnt have been more proud when one day about a year ago ask for a vanilla frosty and actually got one. Now they have mix and match frostys with oreo and m&m's but I think the chocolate frosty, coke float on the left it the king of all frosties. I didnt realize it was chocolate ice cream when I ordered it but it actually ended up pretty good.
This is my Kosher 2 liter of Mountain Dew. I am so glad that I can now buy Mt. Dew that has been blessed and prepared by a rabbi. That mark on the lid is a "K" and you can find all kinds crazy Kosher food here.
I took this picture in downtown Boston. Its a building sign on the Massachusetts State house. I guess they are just going to be honest with the "special benefits" that the people in office receive here. This would have made things so much easier on Elliot Spitzer and others. I guess the top guys in office would have their girls enter at the"elite hooker entrance" but I couldnt find that one.
And Since its official Sunday here in MA, I guess I should share my spiritual picture of the day. This is "Black Jesus" calming the seas with his 12 Hommies. I tried to take a picture of the "Last Supper star black Jesus and Black Mary but the lady came back in the room so I couldnt. Alright I'm headed to bed.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
D-MAC, T-MAC and all that Jazz.

Hello everyone I have survived another week here in Boston and everything is going pretty good. I am glad the Raiders picked Darren McFadden in the NFL draft in the first round 4th pick overall. Not because I think he was the player most likely to help the Raiders but because he is the player most likely to help me beat Jared in Madden 2009. Now I don't have to go trade for a good running back. I am also very glad the Jazz didn't decide to give another game to Tracy McGrady and finished off game 4. I really feel that everyone(national media) thinks its T-mac and the Rockets playing some team from Iran. I am sick of hearing how great T-Mac is and how if he had help in this series they would win the games and advance. Not once after any of the 3 Jazz wins have I heard about how the Jazz are beating the Rockets its always about how Tracy cant score in the 4th. I just would like to hear someone say that maybe the Jazz are the reason for that. The Jazz need to go down and beat them in Texas again and end this series.
Here are some random things that have happened this past week.
1. Seeing people driving in both emergency lanes on the freeway. I heard about this before I got here but it really freaks you out the first time you actually see people doing it.
2. After making a phone call, having your cell phone say "No Service" and you walk around outside trying to get service and can't get any. Finally you leave the customers house and go to the AT&T store and the hot twenty something behind the counter turns you phone off then back on and says "There you go all fixed" meanwhile you feel like an idiot and walk out the door.
3. People offering everything while working in their house. Beer, other drinks, actually had a guy buy pizza for four of our guys, Chinese food, and anything else you could ever want.
4. Jared told a kid that he better pick up his dog because if was going to set off the alarms to make sure they work. The kid acted like he didn't want to but finally did and when the alarm went off the dog peed all over him. Very funny story.
5. Having no turning lanes on city streets really makes traffic hectic. Then people on the other side will stop and let you turn or let people out of a parking lot, making the traffic even worse.
Once again its obvious I still dont know what I'm doing with the pictures.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
USS Constitution

One of the places I have been able to visit since being here in Boston is the USS Constitution. We took a guided tour that lasted about 30 minutes and ended up being pretty cool. Here are some pictures of the boat. There also was 2 other ships in port at the same time that I was able to go on also. Everything else is going pretty well here in Boston. Its supposed to be 75 degrees today so that makes me happy. I am so glad to be out of the crappy Logan weather. I hope to update later with pictures of my townhouse and some more pictures.
Monday, April 21, 2008
The Trip

Hello everyone, this is my first post on my first blog so Im sure its pretty lame but hopefully it will get better as I learn how to do things. These are some pictures I took with my phone as I went from Utah to Boston. The first two are in Chicago where we(Jared, Andy, Steve, and I) walked around Chicago for a night. I liked the city and it would be cool to go back when I would have more time to actually go and visit things. The others are of Niagara falls and looking into Canada. We actually spent about 2 hours over in Canada, the highlight being able to see some NBA games in the Casino where I went to use the bathroom. Well this picture setup is lame I hope to figure it out.
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